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DIY Tools

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Do it yourself with Maun.

Maun tools are your secret weapon.

Tools to bend, cut, measure and mark edges, fix fencing, remove pipe olives, fix ball chains, crimp wire connectors and punch holes in all sorts of materials.

Everything you need to succeed in your DIY goals.

Engineered with precision and made in England by Maun.

Our range of Side Cutter Parallel Pliers are the original problem solvers, perfect for both bending and cutting wire. The compound-lever action provides 2x the force of traditional scissor-style pliers of the same size. Use these and cut wire with half the effort.

A popular DIY plier is the Flat Nose Parallel Plier. Ideal for gripping hexagonal and square fastenings evenly, as well as manipulating or straightening wire. The serrated jaws provide a strong, vice-like grip. With a v-slot in one jaw, you have extra purchase when gripping wire or rod.

Our metal safety rulers allow you to easily mark and cut material without risk of hurting your hand. The M shaped profile protects your fingers from harm while using a blade, ideal for many DIY tasks.

Maun End Cutting Pliers are handy during DIY projects, as they allow you to make cuts flush to another object. Perfect for cutting wire or nails close to a surface. They have a 14x hand force multiplier with a compound-lever action mechanism. The ideal compact end cutter to help you make multiple cuts with minimal effort.

Maun tools are workbench essentials. Loved by DIY’ers for over 75 years. And built to last.

Shop all tools here.

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